Board meeting September
September 19, 2023 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
In accordance with state law, notice for all SFD public meetings, along with agendas, must be posted at least 24 hours in advance. Public notices are will be posted in the glass case in front of Station #1 at 2860 Southwest Drive and on this website.
Please be advised that only the physical location listed above may be relied on for official postings under the Arizona Open Meeting Law. A technological problem or failure that either prevents the posting of public notices on a website or that temporarily or permanently prevents the use of all or part of the website does not preclude the holding the meeting for which the notice was posted if the public body complies with all other public notice requirements. Please see the Public Notice of Meetings here.
The SFD Governing Board meets at least monthly and is open to the public.
Temporary Public Participation Changes for Governing Board Meetings
In an effort to protect the health and safety of our employees, residents, and visitors, the Governing Board will make meetings available to the public remotely via internet conferencing until further notice. Each meeting agenda will include information to allow you to access the meeting. The meeting will be recorded and posted on the SFD website as usual.
Citizens may make oral comments on specific Agenda items or any topic relevant to District business during the public forum. Speakers are limited to three-minute oral presentations but may submit written comments of any length for Board files. Board Members may not discuss items not specifically identified on the Agenda. Therefore, pursuant to ARS 38-431.01(H), Board action taken as a result of public comment is limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.
Notice: Public comment is encouraged, but it is important that everyone demonstrates the appropriate decorum, courtesy, and respect during the meeting. Please treat your fellow citizens with courtesy. Outbursts, interruptions, and personal attacks will not be tolerated.
Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes in length and will be taken in advance through email or live during the meeting. Please see the following instructions for each method of participation:
Zoom Webinar: Ensure your device has speaker and microphone capabilities. To connect to the meeting click the link provided in the agenda no earlier than 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Once connected to the meeting, please use the Raise Hand function in the webinar controls and the host will be notified. The Chairperson will ask if there are any requests to speak. The host will announce each person and unmute the participant when it is their turn to speak. Anyone providing comments will be asked to state their name and address for the record.
Telephone: PRIOR NOTIFICATION OF A REQUEST TO SPEAK IS REQUIRED and can be done by either email (see below) or by calling the administration office no later than the Monday prior to the meeting to coordinate and provide information to accommodate the request. To connect to the meeting, no earlier than 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time, dial the number provided on the agenda and enter the meeting ID. The Chairperson will ask if there are any requests to speak. The host will announce each person and unmute the participant when it is their turn to speak. Anyone providing comments will be asked to state their name and address for the record.
Email: To submit Call to the Public comments in lieu of commenting live, please email ksmathers@sedonafire.org no later than 1:00 pm the Monday prior to the meeting. A confirmation receipt will be provided. Only comments received prior to the deadline will be included in the record. These submissions will be read and are limited to the three-minute allotted time, anything unread after that time frame will be included with the Board files. Please be sure to include your name and address for the record.
If you need assistance connecting to the meeting please contact the administration office at 928-282-6800 before 5:00 pm.
For questions or further clarification about how to submit a public comment, please contact Executive Assistant to Leadership Kerrie Tarver at ksmathers@sedonafire.org or 928-204-8909.