The SFD Finance and Administration staff do important work behind the scenes.

Keeping engines running, firefighters equipped and trained, and communications on the cutting edge of technology takes planning.  A team of finance specialists, operational leadership, and administrative staff work year round to plan and manage a complex budget.  With an operating budget of over $23 million, and a 10 year capital plan, being good stewards of taxpayer funding is part of SFD’s values.  

  • three of SFD's fleet vehicles
  • Photo of engine 511
  • stock photo of person working on a computer.
C-Shift crew in front of Engine.

Budgets by Fiscal Year (FY)

SFD Leadership, staff, and its Financial Firm work on the annual budget from January through June of each year.

In a rigorous and detailed process adhering to state statute and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), the Budget process begins in January with departments evaluating needs and anticipating costs.  Budget requests are submitted and compiled by accounting professionals who note discrepancies or anomalies.  A draft budget of requests is evaluated and analyzed by SFD Leadership and the Finance Director, who start the difficult process of prioritizing needs and balancing them with tax payer burden.  The draft budget is presented to the Governing Board in increasing detail during a series of workshops, resulting in the approved budget presented to the public.

Find Annual Budgets and Financial Reports by Fiscal Year (FY) here.

SFD uses a contracted firm for its Director of Finance role, taking advantage of a team approach to specialized support in Fire District finances.  With experts in Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) pertaining to Fire Districts, tax code, and accounting, The James Vincent Group provides the resources a rural organization would be unable to sustain independently.  

Sedona Fire Fighters run the Sedona Marathon in full gear.

Annual Reports

Prepared by calendar year instead of fiscal year like finance reports, the Annual Report presents a snapshot of the year in operations.

Prepared each year by SFD staff, the Annual Report brings together the previous calendar year of accomplishments, challenges, and community engagement.  Highlighting activities such as the Annual Awards Ceremony celebrating SFD’s outstanding employee performance in categories like Firefighter of the Year and the Community Service Award, the Annual Report shows behind the scenes and the personal side of SFD.

Find Annual Reports by Year here. 

While much of SFD activity can be seen on social media (follow Sedona Fire on both Facebook and X), the comprehensive Annual Report presents the financial standing of the District as required by state statute, and also a summary of key events throughout the year.  Participating in charity events, public outreach, and education are just some of the things SFD staff do each year.  

stock photo of work session.

Other documents

SFD staff uses many financial and legal resources when preparing budgets, policies, and reports.

Links to other documents and helpful webpages are coming soon.

When observing crews responding to an emergency or work being done at the Station, SFD would like you to remember the people behind the uniforms, engines, and walls.  Safe, Friendly, Dedicated.  Sedona Fire District. 

SFD Newsletter